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‹ãB‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@ –òŠwŒ¤‹†‰@ –òÜŠw•ª–ì@@¬–“ —TŽi@“a
‰‰@‘èFRNA editing enzyme ADAR2 is involved in P-gp-mediated doxorubicin resistance in murine breast cancer cells via gcircRNA-miRNA pathwayh
•xŽR‘åŠw ŠwpŒ¤‹†•” –òŠwE˜aŠ¿Œn ¶‘Ì–hŒäŠw—Ìˆæ ‚ª‚ñE–Ɖuƒ†ƒjƒbƒg@@”–“c Œ’Žj@“a
‰‰@‘èFGlycolytic Metabolism of CD8+ T cells Affect the Susceptibility to HLA-Mediated
Idiosyncratic Drug-induced toxicity
–kŠC“¹‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@ –òŠwŒ¤‹†‰@ –òÜ•ªŽqÝŒvŠwŒ¤‹†Žº@@´… ‚è‚È@“a@
‰‰@‘èFCharacterizing hepatocyte-targeted CRISPR-Cas9 delivery by lipid nanoparticles
ŒF–{‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@–òŠw‹³ˆç•”@@‹ß¼ ãÄ”n@“a@
‰‰@‘èFEnhancement of oral Zn-insulin hypoglycemic effects using a small intestine-permeable cyclic peptide in diabetic mice
‹ãB‘åŠw ‘åŠw‰@–òŠwŒ¤‹†‰@ –ò•¨“®‘ÔŠw•ª–ì@@•Ÿ‰ª q•½@“a@
‰‰@‘èFAnalyzing the effect of vitamin A accumulation on life outcome in chronic
kidney disease with a focus on the intestinal microbiota
“Œ‹ž‘åŠwˆãŠw•”•‘®•a‰@ –òÜ•”@@ˆÉ“¡ ŽÑ‘ã@“a@
‰‰@‘èFA proposal for novel drug-drug interaction assessment focused on drug
distribution to serum VLDL/LDL
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‰‰@‘èFTemperature-responsive Mechanism in Triple-negative Breast Cancer and Development of Novel Therapeutic Strategies
–kŠC“¹‘åŠw ‘åŠw‰@–òŠwŒ¤‹†‰@ —Õ°–òÜŠwŒ¤‹†Žº@@ã“c ˆê“Þ‘¾@“a
‰‰@‘èFContribution of aldehyde oxidase to pharmacokinetics and interindividual differences
‹à‘ò‘åŠw ˆã–ò•ÛŒ’Œ¤‹†ˆæ –òŠwŒn@@âˆä —º‰î@“a
‰‰@‘èFMechanistic analysis of Magenstrasse (stomach road) formation after Meals:
Impact on gastric emptying and intestinal absorption of drugs |